On August 21, 29-year-old Russian propagandist Darya Dugina, the daughter of a Russian neo-fascist leader Alexander Dugin, was murdered in Moscow. Darya attended a rally in Rublevka, the Moscow suburb where the Russian elite live. There, Dugin gave a talk entitled “Tradition and History,” and Darya also spoke under the pseudonym “Darya Platonova”. She came to the rally with her father and after it ended, she got into her car to take him home. At the last moment, however, he suddenly decided he would follow her in another car with his friends. As the cars moved along the highway, a powerful charge exploded at the underside of Darya’s car, blowing everything to pieces. Immediately, without waiting for any results of the investigation, all the Russian propagandists announced that Darya had been killed by the Ukrainian special services and began demanding that Putin retaliate by bombing Kiev and the Ukrainian […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.americanthinker.com