A demonstrator holds a placard while attending the “Let Women Speak” rally in George, Square, in Glasgow, on Feb, 5, 2023. (Andy Buchanan/AFP via Getty Images) Commentary
Feminists still complain about “the Patriarchy,” meaning a male-dominated culture that either consigns women to homemaking or limits their career opportunities. In this view, misogyny still rules the roost. Females make less money for the same jobs, and those with careers are often slighted, if not subjected to outright sexual harassment or hostile work environments.
Let’s get real. While women do indeed still face obstacles to equal participation in society, the country has clearly chosen to embrace full female inclusion in every aspect of life. Indeed, the day when the late Phyllis Schlafly could successfully argue against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) by claiming that women enjoy a “privileged place” in law and society as homemakers and mothers is long gone.
Not only that, […]
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