Signs in favor and against the Kansas constitutional amendment on abortion are displayed outside Kansas 10 highway on Aug. 1, 2022 in Lenexa, Kansas. | Kyle Rivas/Getty Images One (nearly) ironclad rule of politics is that people won’t vote for what they don’t understand. This is why name recognition is so important in state-level elections in particular.
If voters, who are usually rushing to the polls before work or trying to squeeze it in on the way home afterward, can’t understand what they are being asked to vote on, they will just instinctually vote no. This is particularly true of direct democracy-style ballot measures, such as state-level constitutional amendments.
While this isn’t the only explanation for what happened in Kansas this past Tuesday when a pro-life measure was defeated, I think it’s significant. If I was a betting man (and not a good Southern Baptist) my money would be on “mass […]
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