What a privileged generation we are! We are watching the set-up for the end of the Church Age. Things the Bible foretold are unfolding before us as we continue to trend towards the Tribulation. Scripture said many things would happen that would be stage-setting incidents. I never expected to get the panorama I am seeing today.
Consider just these ten indicators…
• The world lacks a leader. A few think they are a global leader, such as China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Putin, America’s feeble Joe Biden, and France’s Emmanuel Macron. None of them even come close! The world is longing for a leader, as these above-named fools embarrass their respective countries.
• The rise to prominence of a globalist outfit—the World Economic Forum (WEF)—that is paving the way for a one-world government. The Antichrist will rule the world, very likely, under the umbrella of this organization, or one just like it. The […]
Excerpt Sourced From: harbingersdaily.com