The Letter to the Editor
This letter to the editor titled “ The US Constitution favors the liberal left ” is wrong. The letter claims that federally funded social welfare programs are constitutional because the Constitution’s preamble includes the phrase “ promote the general Welfare.” The letter claims that federal programs funding food stamps, unemployment insurance, “public” education, and student loans are authorized by the preamble:
“The constitutionality of Social Security, Affordable Health Care, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social programs such as Nutrition Assistance (SNAP “food stamps”), unemployment Insurance, public education, student loan assistance, and environmental protection lies not so much in the “Commerce Clause” as in the Preambular assertion that the very purpose of Constitutional government in the United States is “to promote the General Welfare.”
So-called “conservative” thinkers and organizations on the political right, such as the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the American Legislative […]
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