When did morality become relative? When did good and evil stop being black and white — and become shades of gray? When did thieves and murderers stop being predators and become the oppressed victims of a corrupt system?
Those are the fruits of moral relativism. It holds that there is no absolute right or wrong — what one culture considers “wrong,” another will consider “right.” It is the philosophy that good and evil are constructs of human beings — not laws of God.
There are two social frameworks for occupants of our world — “might makes right” and divine law. “Might makes right” is credited to Greek philosopher Thrasymachus . The philosophy asserts that a society’s view of right and wrong is determined by those in power. It imposes no morality on the issue of right and wrong. It is simply that those in a position to make the rules are […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.americanthinker.com