It’s probably not the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Jesus’ ministry. I can’t recall any video on His life that included Him overturning tables as recorded in John 2:13-17 and Matthew 21:12-13. Yes, He did it two times.
If there’s a table in today’s church that needs overturning, it’s Replacement Theology. Its proponents tell us that the church has replaced Israel as the recipient of God’s covenants with and promises to the nation. They say the church is now God’s kingdom on earth.
“Why another post on Replacement Theology?” you ask. It’s because this teaching harms believers and in the end, it exalts the church over Jesus. IT CONTRADICTS THE WORDS OF SCRIPTURE
Scripture tells us that the Lord will restore a glorious kingdom for Israel. Those who adhere to Replacement Theology contradict what the Bible teaches about the future of the Jewish people.In my […]
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