Russia’s hypersonic missile program is in turmoil and some scientists involved have warned that the country’s research on these weapons is facing “impending collapse.”
The warning was part of an open letter written by the colleagues of three scientists working on Russia’s hypersonic missiles who were recently hit with charges of treason. The scientists involved were all employees of the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Siberia and were detained on suspicions of high treason. However, the letter ‘s authors maintained that the men are innocent and that their academic achievements are honorable. The letter pointed out that the men – Alexander Shiplyuk, Valery Zvegintsev and Anatoly Maslov – opted to remain in Russia instead of taking on more prestigious and highly paid work overseas.
Shipyluk and Maslov were arrested last summer, while news of Zvegintsev’s arrest came this month. Shipyluk was in charge of the institute’s hypersonic technologies […]
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