Donald Trump is warning the GOP of the Democrats’ latest traps.
Trump warned Republicans in an interview with Breitbart about the Democrat trap on the issues of abortion and social security.
Trump vowed not to ever cut social security saying “it’s a contract with the people.”
Trump also argued that Republicans must support three exceptions to abortion.Those exceptions are rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Former President Donald Trump pledged he will never cut Social Security if elected again to the White House in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News here earlier in December. “We’re not cutting Social Security,” Trump said. “It’s very simple. It’s a simple answer. We’re not cutting Social Security.” “We have to protect it. It’s a contract with the people,” Trump said of Social Security. “They go in. They work and they do. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into Social Security and then you […]
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