( Natural News ) For years, it was regarded as a wild conspiracy theory dreamt up in the basement of some creepy D.C. pizza shop. Today, however, the “elite pedophilia problem” has become a mainstream news talking point , at least over at Fox where Tucker Carlson addressed it openly in a recent segment.
Carlson discussed how those at the highest levels of politics, finance, and entertainment are child predators who feast on innocence to fuel their globalist endeavors. He also talked about Jeffrey Epstein, who even after being arrested for having sexual relations with minors was still hobnobbing it up with the likes of Oprah.
“How did he do that?” Carlson asked during the segment. “Why didn’t anybody say anything? Why did people keep eating with him?”
“Well, at the very least, we can conclude, based on the evidence that there is a tolerance for pedophilia among some, among the […]
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