Turning Point Action , a nonprofit organization affiliated with Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA, has organized a rally on July 30th to expel RINO Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers from office.
Rally attendees can also participate in efforts to get out the vote and elect America First Republicans to office.
Previously, President Trump headlined the Turning Point Action ‘Rally to Protect our Elections’ in Phoenix, Arizona, last July. LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks at TPUSA’s “Rally to Protect Our Elections” in Phoenix, AZ – 6 PM ET …More: 200,000 Watching Live on RSBN TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Radical Far-Left Group (EIP) Created Partnership with Government and Social Media to Censor and Ban Any 2020 Election Reporting – The Gateway Pundit Was Top Target
TP Action also operated the Students for Trump organization to support President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign, which was rigged and stolen by Democrats.Their next rally to Drain the […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.thegatewaypundit.com