California Governor Gavin Newsom released an unintentionally funny campaign ad this week in Florida . Yes, Gavin is the California Governor. That’s part of the unintentional comedy. Newsom wants Floridians angry that they can’t ” say gay ” to come to Florida where Gavin says they have “freedom.” Trey Radel clapped back , pointing out Californians have the “freedom” to high gas prices, an unaffordable cost of living, and in places like San Francisco, the freedom to walk through human feces and step on a syringe.
Libs of TikTok finding this video illustrating what school children need to walk through in the progressive paradise of San Francisco is timed perfectly. Yo DJ, drop that joint.
Thanks to progressive policies, when these kids get older, they might get to meet James. James runs an after-school program to show the youth the safest way to use Fentanyl . James also moved from Texas […]
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