A viral video has lit up TikTok and YouTube recently, netting the original poster Charlie Cheon over 4 million views and counting. Cheon, an Asian man, poses the question, “What Are We Doing to White People?”
In the video, he discusses the blatant racism being proudly directed toward white people, a topic I recently addressed myself in this article . I received some comments telling me that I was racist just for suggesting that racism was being directed toward white people and that such a thing wasn’t possible. I was attacked for “whining” and for “being a Karen.” For the record, calling someone a “Karen” is a racial and sexist slur. It just means if you are white and a woman, you should sit down, shut up, and take it, no matter what. But I digress.
You can watch the video right here. It’s only 16 minutes and it’s very worthwhile. […]
Excerpt Sourced From: discernreport.com