Dude, what the hell is going on at Walmart? I know the fabric of society is unraveling faster than the Biden economy. But attention Walmart shoppers: you need to get it together. Or, shop from home like normal people do. Avoid being in public and having to share space with other people.
I had thought these were separate angles of the same brawl. After all, what are the odds of it popping off at two separate Walmarts at the same time? Quite good, it would appear.
The first one is a mild one. It only involved four people. Two vs. two. It happens. There is an argument. One thing leads to another. Next thing you know, two dudes are trying to choke each other out in front of a pallet of Kingsford briquets. The second brawl was more chaotic and violent. That might be why Twitter marked this one “sensitive content.” […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.louderwithcrowder.com