To fight pornography in the schools, a Texas housewife recently appeared at a school board meeting. She lectured the officials: “I do not want my children to learn about anal sex in middle school. … I want you to start focusing on education, not public health.”
Education, as we’ll see, is the first refuge of scoundrels. Do you imagine that this school board is hip and cutting-edge? In fact, liberals have had few new ideas in more than a century. During World War 1, the communist government of Hungary “imposed a system of pornographic sex education on Hungarian school pupils.” Ever since, communists have tried the same pervy tricks again and again.
During World War 1, the deputy people’s commissar for culture and education was an extreme Marxist named György Lukács , then considered the most brilliant communist since Marx himself. He advocated promiscuity, denounced the family, and encouraged children to […]
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