(End of the American Dream)—It appears that something really big is in the works. All of a sudden, a number of countries in Europe seem to be really freaking out about what is ahead, and that seems very strange. The war in Ukraine has been actively raging since February 2022. So why are so many European nations now telling their people to prepare for war? What has changed? Do they know something that we don’t?
On Tuesday, Ukraine fired six long-range missiles that were provided by the United States into Russia. On Wednesday, Ukraine fired twelve long-range missiles that were provided by the United Kingdom into Russia. This is literally insane.
What would we do if another superpower was using Canada or Mexico to launch long-range missiles at us? Needless to say, there would be millions of Americans screaming for us to use nukes against that superpower.
Well, right now there are millions of people inside Russia that want their government to use nuclear weapons against the United States and Europe.
Of course if there is a full-blown nuclear war, there won’t be any winners. As I pointed out in this video, more than 90 percent of the U.S. population would eventually end up dead.
We should be doing all that we can to find a way out of this mess.
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The war in Ukraine is not good for anyone except for the military-industrial complex, and so leaders on both sides should be seeking to sit down at the negotiating table while it is still possible to do so.
But instead of pushing for negotiations, a number of countries in Europe appear to be preparing for war.
For example, on Monday Sweden began to distribute more than 5 million copies of a booklet “advising its citizens how to prepare for war”…
Sweden on Monday started to distribute copies of a booklet advising its citizens how to prepare for war, as Nordic countries teach people how to brace for a potential Russian attack.
The 32-page brochure, which is also available in English and several other languages, advises citizens on warning systems, how to seek shelter during an air raid and even psychological and digital security.
Why would Sweden need to prepare for war? Nobody is going to attack Sweden.
Something doesn’t smell right.
Sweden has not had to fight a war for a very long time, but apparently top Swedish officials believe that this is a very real possibility…
Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin made waves in January when he warned: “There could be war in Sweden.”
Sweden’s then army chief Micael Byden also alarmed many when he days later said “Swedes have to mentally prepare for war.”
Sweden has not gone to war in more than two centuries.
Meanwhile, Finland and Norway are also suddenly interested in getting their citizens prepared for war…
As Norwegian paper Aftenposten recently reported, Norway’s citizens have also received similar “emergency preparedness” pamphlets because “in the worst case” acts of war could also affect Norway.
Finland’s government, too, has released a digital booklet to prepare citizens for “incidents and crises,” stating that the country “has always been prepared for the worst possible threat, war.”
In particular, Finland has become quite paranoid.
They are actually constructing a 10-foot-tall wall that is going to be 200 km long when it is finally finished…
Finland shares a 1,340-kilometre (830-mile) border with Russia and Helsinki has maintained a higher level of preparedness.
But after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Helsinki announced plans to build a 200-kilometre border fence with Russia.
Three meters (10 feet) tall and topped with barbed wire, it is due to be completed by 2026.
Why would the Russians invade Finland?
The Russians have their hands quite full with Ukraine, and that isn’t going to change any time soon.
Once again, something is not adding up.
In Germany, an incredibly detailed document that is a thousand pages long contains intricate plans for a war with Russia…
According to a 1,000-page document entitled ‘Operationsplan Deutschland’, Germany would reportedly host hundreds of thousands of troops from NATO countries and serve as a logistics hub for sending huge quantities of military equipment, food and medicine toward the front.
A report by Der Spiegel in the summer said as many as 800,000 soldiers from the security bloc could be hosted by Germany as they transit to posts further East.
The German army is also instructing companies and civilians on how to protect key infrastructure and mobilise for national defence, envisaging a situation in which Russia expands drone flights, spying operations and sabotage attacks across Europe.
Why are they spending so much time and energy preparing for a hypothetical war with Russia?
If the Russians become convinced that an all-out war with NATO is inevitable, they won’t invade Europe with conventional forces.
Instead, they will use their nukes.
And the Europeans won’t be the first to get nuked.
We will.
As I have relentlessly warned my readers, Russia has been preparing to fight a nuclear war with the United States for a long time.
Their strategic nuclear arsenal is far superior to our own, their anti-missile systems are far superior to our own, and the subs that they would use to deliver a devastating first strike are so quiet that we cannot even track them effectively.
So let’s find a peaceful solution to the problem in Ukraine before events spiral completely out of control.
Because right now we are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been, and the death and destruction that a full-blown nuclear war would cause would be unthinkable.
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.