Think of all the institutions that have marched in lockstep during the dramatic decline in civilization over three years. It’s been media, Big Tech, large corporations, academia, the medical industry, central banks, and government at all levels. They have all been in on the lie. They sat by and said nothing or even cheered as governments utterly wrecked rights and liberties that humanity has fought for over 800 years.
The examples are too numerous to list but one stands out to me.
For several months, New York City attempted a bold experiment making a place for vaccinated people only. As a result, no person who chose against the experimental COVID shot was allowed in restaurants, theaters, bars, libraries, or museums. Disproportionately hit were 40 percent of black residents who refused the vaccine due to the community’s deep awareness of the long history of U.S. pharmaceuticals ties with racial eugenics.For decades, […]
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