Before Donald Trump or anyone else announced they were running for the GOP nomination for president, I had only one criteria for who I would support. Considering the mountains of evidence that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective, I wanted to support a candidate who would come out and oppose them in a major way.
Ideally, they would have called for the jabs to be banned and for investigations to begin on not only the companies that made them, but more importantly the leaders who promoted them after learning they didn’t work and they were killing people. I would have accepted a call for restrictions or even a plea for people to avoid them. The jabs are dangerous; a politician telling people not to get them is similar to a politician saying people shouldn’t drink and drive.
Not every drunk driver kills people but they’re all putting people at risk. Not every jabbed person dies from it but they’re all taking an unnecessary risk by taking a drug that does not stop infection or spread.
But it’s not just about doing the right thing (though it probably should be). It makes political sense. Robert F. Kennedy Jr has shown that many Republican voters like his stance on Covid vaccines. Many also like his stances on Ukraine and tyranny in general. If it weren’t for most of the rest of his policies, I could almost see myself considering him. Almost.
A GOP candidate who leans in on a Covid vaccine ban would differentiate himself from the field. I called on President Trump to do it earlier this year when both Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci basically admitted to misleading him to push their agenda. It was the perfect opportunity for him to say he was lied to about Covid, lockdowns, and Operation Warp Speed. Instead, he’s stayed firm, albeit more quietly, about the jabs.
For a while, I assumed Ron DeSantis would go hard against the jabs. He had a symposium exposing risks. His Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has been one of the most outspoken government officials against the jabs. But DeSantis has remained lukewarm at best, hitting Trump on lockdowns but avoiding any discussions of the injections themselves.
Why is this? We know why Mike Pence, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the other candidates would have a hard time opposing the jabs based on their histories, but DeSantis was positioned to be the vaxx-skeptical GOP candidate. I would argue that he would have shot up 10-points in the polls, gaining 15% who consider the jabs an important issue and losing 5% of the GOP pro-vaxxers and mask nannies.
This has been the most disappointing early primary season in recent memory. Nobody has reached my minimum requirement of Covid vaccine skepticism. There’s no need to argue that DeSantis has been more opposed to the jabs than Trump because he has not explicitly opposed them at all. He’s asked more questions but otherwise avoided the issue.
It’s not about who is less approving of the jabs. It’s that none of them, if nominated or elected, would do anything to stop them. Trump, DeSantis, and most others have denounced vaccine mandates, but nobody other than Kennedy have actually denounced the jabs themselves.
I support Donald Trump because of the things he gets right. He got it very wrong on the jabs but nobody in the field has the guts or intelligence to be right about them.
We have to wonder why. It’s not like anyone is in a position to play it safe. They’re all trailing Trump by a mile. It seems politically expedient to attach to the issue and hit Trump in his weakest spot, the one spot where he differs from most of his base.
Here’s the scary part. The only reason I can think of is that the UniParty Swamp — under orders from their globalist puppet masters — have forbidden the Covid vaxx-skeptical stance. RINOs and the Big Pharma shills have declared that anyone who goes against them will be anathema.
This is another reason that I support Trump. Rather than being controlled or compromised, I believe he’s a victim of his own ego. He has to know what we all know, that the jabs can no longer be called safe and effective, but it’s not in his nature to admit that he was manipulated. He was played for a fool and acknowledging that is just not in Trump’s DNA.
He’s claimed he saved 100 million people with Operation Warp Speed, so to reverse course would be embarrassing. But as I’ve said for a long time, if he doesn’t do it then the powers-that-be will use it against him in the general election once more people start suffering from long-term adverse reactions.
Maybe I’m way off. Maybe there just aren’t as many Americans as I think there are who are concerned enough about the vaccines that they’d support a presidential candidate who opposed them. I’ve been wrong about American sentiment before.
What do you think? Please join the conversation on my Substack.