If professors make students work hard and produce excellent work, that should be good enough — no politics needed.
In early January, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of six new members to the board of trustees of New College, a small, public liberal arts institution in Sarasota, Florida. These appointments feature, among others, conservative education activist Christopher Rufo, Hillsdale College professor Matthew Spalding, and the renowned constitutional scholar Charles Kesler. The announcement came after DeSantis accused institutions of higher learning of imposing “ trendy ” woke ideologies upon students and marked his administration’s latest attempt at a red-state rebuttal to the leftist orthodoxy that dominates American education.
Something remarkable happened in fifth-century Athens when Socrates set up shop, conversed freely on the things of this world, and followed the truth wherever it would lead. It also happened in 1609 when University of Padua professor Galileo Galilei pointed his telescope […]
Excerpt Sourced From: thefederalist.com