There are plans to scale up mass production of artificial meat lines. The news broke at the annual meeting of the Wyoming Stockgrowers Association . The world’s largest artificial meat plant is about to be constructed in San Sabastian, Spain. Brazil-based JBS S.A. is working with Bio Tech Foods to get the new venture up and running by mid-2024. The Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade will be tasked with researching and cultivating new cell lines to produce a new line of artificial meats.
In a press release, JBS confirmed that Bio Tech Foods will conduct “research on cell lines, cultured media and biomaterials for their correct bioprocessing to enable the production of cultivated meat.” The cultivated meat is referred to as “investMEAT.” JBS says the new line “will allow a highly efficient cultivated meat production line, which will solve the challenges of current technology linked to scalability.” New meat factory […]
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