I still support Donald Trump for president in 2024. But I’m not a blind follower who believes he can do no wrong which is why I want to address four topics that he needs to correct as soon as possible if he’s going to be successful and earn as many America First votes as possible.
Notice that I didn’t say he will earn as many total votes as possible. That strategy, which he temporarily tried in 2016, isn’t for him. He attempted it with “The Softening” in late summer, 2016, when he and Sean Hannity tried to sell the notion that he didn’t need to deport all illegal aliens or reverse DACA. They and whoever was advising him at the time thought their general election pivot should include this softening of his immigration stance.
That lasted a little over a week before he heard enough from his base to realize it wasn’t the way to go. He reverted back to his tough stance on illegal immigration and the rest is history.
The reason I mention that story is because President Trump listens to the people, but only when we’re loud enough to reach him. He’s very insulated by his staff and advisors, and frankly they’re not making good decisions for him. We need to make him pay attention to some of the things we want him to change now, ahead of the 2024 election, so that he won’t only win but he’ll be positioned to do things the right way, the America First way.
Here is my list of four grievances I’d like addressed. They’re in order of increasing magnitude; if he doesn’t fix Truth Social that’s not a big deal, but if he keeps pushing the jabs it may cost him the election. I discussed them in more detail on the latest episode of The JD Rucker Show. Call this an intervention…
Stop Censoring on Truth Social
It’s a sad state that just below Twitter, Facebook, and the other woke Big Tech platforms, Truth Social is clearly the most draconian of the alternative social sites. The platform that he has backed is beholden to Apple and Google, which is why they will censor posts about vaccines and other taboo topics. They’ve even gone so far as to ban controversial people like Juanita Broaddrick for simply speaking her mind.
A friend posts the same thing across all of the platforms. He has been banned on Twitter now for it, but he has been censored multiple times on Truth Social. The same posts fly on Gettr, Parler, and Gab. How can this be a “free speech” platform if they’re censoring people so readily?
Again, this is the least important of the changes and if Trump does absolutely nothing about it, it’s fine. It would be nice, but nothing more than a cherry on top. The other issues are much more important.
Stop Endorsing RINOs
There are two primary criteria the Trump team is apparently taking into consideration when making 2022 endorsements. The first is a great one. He’s endorsing opponents of his enemies, most notably those who voted for his impeachments Peter Meijer and those who stabbed in the back over voter fraud like Brian Kemp. The next criteria is understandable but misguided. They pick winners, then back those winners.
We expect him to pick the best America First candidates, but that’s only the case when the America First candidate happens to be the frontrunner. Otherwise, he’s endorsing people like Dr. Mehmet Oz, Tudor Dixon, and Katie Britt because they had the best chance of winning despite being total RINOs.
Britt in particular is annoying because he dumped Mo Brooks to endorse her. He claimed he dumped Brooks because after fighting against voter fraud and trying to correct the 2020 election for over a year, Brooks made the mistake of saying it’s time to move on to the 2022 election. Trump dumping him and endorsing Britt over that makes no sense because Britt has NEVER acknowledged voter fraud. She NEVER fought the stolen election. She’s a Mitch McConnell puppet and if Trump is back in the White House in 2025, she will not be an ally.
It’s like saying you’re going to stop eating bananas because they’re too fattening, then eating chocolate cake instead. The real reason he dumped Brooks is because when he first endorsed him last August, Brooks was in the lead at 40% in the polls. When he dumped him, Brooks was in third place at 17%. He surged back into second place but not getting Trump’s reindorsement in the runoff killed his chances. Now, Trump helped send another McConnell pawn to Capitol Hill instead.
Help the January 6 Political Prisoners
There are people rotting in jail right now who are there because they passionately supported Donald Trump. They aggressively opposed the voter fraud that stole the 2020 election. These are Trump’s people. But he has done little to draw attention to their plight. This is a mistake and very disappointing.
He should be leading protests in DC. He should be calling out the horrible treatment many of the prisoners are receiving. He should be demanding that the two-tier justice system stop treating patriots as insurrectionists as they continue to treat Antifa domestic terrorists as hero activists.
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Admit He Was Misled on Vaccines
Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx have recently acknowledged they misled the White House and the American people about Covid-19 and the jabs. Now is the perfect time for Donald Trump to reverse his pro-vaxx stance and say he was lied to about it all. Instead, he continues to claim Operation Warp Speed saved tens of millions of lives and the vaccines may be his greatest accomplishment as president.
The data is clear. They don’t work. They’re dangerous. Fauci and Birx have presented a unique opportunity for him to come to the right side on the issue. The reason I have this one listed last and most important of the four interventions is because this one is the greatest threat to his reelection.
Imagine in 2024 Trump is running for president. Imagine that, as many of us expect, the data will become undeniable that the jabs cause blood clots in most that lead to myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks, and other adverse reactions that include death. If Trump doesn’t correct the issue now and acknowledge that he was misled, he will get the full brunt of the blame. Operation Warp Speed, which he has touted as a great accomplishment, will be the scapegoat for the health problems that arise. They will say that by trying to rush the jabs out before the elections, Trump actually hampered Big Pharma’s ability to do proper testing.
In other words, they’re going to pin the inefficacy and dangers from the jabs on Trump and Trump alone. The only way he can prevent that is to come out as soon as possible as being misled and therefore not responsible for whatever is to come from the so-called “vaccines.”
I want Donald Trump to succeed. I want him to learn the lessons from his first term to make his second term even more successful. But he needs to start listening less to his advisors and more to his base.
This is entirely true! There are exactly ZERO MAGA Patriot friends I have that believe the jab helped them (if they took it), or was the right idea (if they didn’t.) They all either regret it or just don’t talk about it. PLEASE stop backing these jabs!
The excess deaths alone (from the insurance companies) prove what we have all known for a long time. They don’t help. They are poison.
HCQ WAS a GREAT Trump backed early solution—as was Ivermectin. Had Trump not been bluffed by the deep state we would not have needed poisonous jabs—these answers are know to have solved Covid in a major portions of India, as well as Africa, where big money for jabs wasn’t available. These solutions were ignored due to Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Definitely distance from the vaccines. First, they don’t work. Second, Covid was used for “control”. The masks and the mandates. The vax mandates are being defanged by the courts, finally. And, Covid and it’s protocols were a test.
Not only help the 1/6 prisoners, expose who led the riot. If you look at a Trump rally, it’s almost exclusively boomers. They were older, whiter and the commercial targets for what is advertised on FOX News. Focus Factor., Balance of Nature and Relief Factor. Those people, going full Spiderman, up the walls of the Capitol weren’t hopped on Relief Factor. The younger, more vocal people and the manner and movement of Antifa. There were Trump supporters there, they were the ones taking selfies and looking like tourists.
1 institute workfare; no job, no welfare.
2 executive order on illegal immigration: give illegal aliens 1 month of warning to leave the U.S.A, at the end of the month, announce open season on illegals to all Americans. if you catch them, you can keep 50% of their assets from cash, cars, to homes (no dope). You’d hear that loud sucking sound of illegals rushing for the borders.
3 build the wall & staff it, & prosecute any crossers to hard labor.
I’m not sure deputizing every American as a bounty hunter will end well.
I do support #Round ’em up. #Send ’em back.
These are things he can only do in office. The article is about what he needs to do right now.
Give them one month to leave.
Those that do can apply for legal admission, they will be first in line for a green card.
Those that don’t will be forcibly deported, never to be allowed in under penalty of prison term when caught re-entering illegally.
This will make them self-deporting.
End birthright citizenship and family-get-in-free.
I have reservations. Trump’s judgement of people was questionable. He had a few treasonous, backstabbing advisors and appointees, and was susceptible to their manipulation and BS. He should have fired Bob Barr and appointed someone to clean out the FBI.
He thought his “Operation Warp Speed” actually produced a vaccine in world record time. He still believes that – when in fact the vaccines had been in development for over five years.
At the onset, he believed in Fauci (most people did), but even after it was clear that the power-crazed leprechaun was a controlled globalist, he still put him out front.
He was also confused about the deployment of DC National Guard troops on 1-6-20 – not understanding that the Secretary of Defense (who worked for him) had full command authority to deploy without request, input, or consent from Milley, Pelosi, or Pence.
Also, the juvenile tweets didn’t do a damn thing to bolster his credibility or leadership, but instead they triggered left-wing idiots who worked harder to bring him down.
I sincerely hope that if he runs again, he –
– Tones down the rhetoric & puts a lid on the egotism
– Fully vets advisors and appointees
– Pardons all political prisoners
– Dissolves the National Education Association. They are not needed and never were
– Cleans out the FBI from the top down
– Stops the stupid tweets
– Effectively drains the swamp
If he runs and is elected, he just needs to do his job, stick to his guns, and ignore the opposition as if they don’t exist.
In today’s NYT, Thomas B. Edsall wrote, “It’s clear that no matter what anyone else thinks, Trump is getting busy.” That sentence scares the Bejesus out of Progressives.
You have more faith in President Trump than I do at this point. I’m ready to write Trump off as damaged goods and support DeSantis in 2024.
I’m done with Trump. Don’t trust him, won’t vote for him. Though I gave to his campaign and voted for him twice, I won’t shed a tear if he is indicted. He cares absolutely nothing about those suffering from vaccines injuries, deaths, etc. He is an arrogant s.o.b.
Then why are you here reading an article about him?
Trumps first EO the first day in office, Nullify every EO Biden made while in office in one fell swoop.
Trump needs to do several things going forward IMO. First, stop living in the past. Stop making fun of people. Fire all speech writers except the one who wrote your UN speech. Learn to take advice, humble yourself and stop the name calling. Americans, especially the independent voters want an adult for president.
You forgot one big fubar.
Admit that he was wrong about taking the guns first, AKA RED FLAG LAWS.
State that he will never ever sign any new gun laws, and will work 24X7X365 for nationwide Constitutional carry, the repeal of the NFA.
While those are all important, the most vital one is to clean out the FBI/DOJ. Watch an old western for a great object lesson of when you have a dirty sheriff in a town. You can have the best intentions in the world, but if you have a corrupt organization that is supposed to represent the law, not much of the above matters. You can’t have an agency that’s supposed to be upholding the law threatening and harassing its honest citizens and then looking the other way when real crimes are being committed by the people who own them. All you’ll ever have is chaos. Fix that so that the Antifas, the Bidens, the Clintons and Pelosis etc…of the world fear being caught and given lengthy prison sentences and most of the other stuff will take care of itself.
Article is about what he needs to do now to BE president…not when he becomes President.
You are spot on! …Plus one more…
1) Truth Social: If Gettr and Truth Social have the same censuring criteria as the social medias they were developed to replace, what’s the point? Gab and FrankSpeech are the only real free speech sites.
2) Not being able to discern supporters from backstabbers is one of Trumps fatal flaws, which made him partially responsibility for the hell he suffered while in office. Allowing people like Lindsay Graham into his inner circle was ludicrous.
3) January 6: Trump needs to go all in to help the J6 prisoners…BUT he should do so incognito through a 3rd party. The reason he can’t help them directly is that it would likely backfire. The DC judges hate Trump already, and any support Trump openly sent their way could actually increase their sentences. Remember, we’re talking a totally corrupt system that has no qualms about ignoring due process.
4) Vaccines: this one is a no-brainer, but Trump’s ego is too tied to the rapid response that I don’t think he is able to see how devastating these vaccines have been. It’s going to take a lot more deaths…but by then, it may be too late to distance himself from being responsible. I’ve always said the biggest threat to a Trump rebound will be the vaccine damage.
5) ADD “guard his mouth.” In addition to too much self-congratulations, petty feuds, and childish name calling, Trump has started using crude landing, including the F-Bomb. Hellooooo…children and women from polite society are in the audience; and nobody wants bad language normalized in our children because “the President says it.” Have some respect!
Trump reminds me of King Nebuchadnezzar.
He was smart but thought of his own self as God.
Trump is bullheaded which is why he picked 2 of the very worst AG’s who did massive damage to this country because they were Swamp People. Trump likes to force the issue getting in people’s faces, which he does non-stop with Fake News. It just belittles him we the American People know Fake News is trash. Trump damaged himself badly in the first debate with Biden with his unprofessional arguing and endless interruptions. He really undermined himself doing massive damage with independent voters and others who were on the fence.
Too often Trump is his own worst enemy because he doesn’t know when to chill out and shut up. If he can learn some self control and let his people do the heavy lifting, he can do wonders at moving things forward. One last thing. His China tariff damaged American manufacturing because who many times export their products international. Many times American manufactures can not keep up with demand such as plastic packaging and must go to China to fill the gap only to be jacked around by tariffs. There is no getting this information to team Trump because they don’t understand and don’t want to. It’s all about sound bites, punishing China. But it goes 360 degrees damaging American manufacturing companies.
Excellent points as always
He needs to find new advisors who are not actually the enemy. Someone who thinks like Ron DeSantis. And Trump needs to think for himself more instead of taking so much of his stances from our enemies who’ve slithered into position as his advisors. They need to be gone, now. He needs to think for himself, now. He needs to confer with people like DeSantis, now. All those other things would fall by the wayside if he just did these two things.
Three things. Sorry, not enough coffee yet for math.
Can’t agree . . . shouldn’t waste his time parsing over Truth Social being all that, or not. It gave people on the right the idea they don’t have to accept the routine garbage, they can bow out or go elsewhere. As with watching pro sports, or spectating, I’ve learned to live differently vs. indulging the woke goons. Secondly, his unorthodox choices at times make sense to me. Does it always go perfectly? Nothing does. Part of a general plan and his success rate is astonishingly high, as usual, despite and misreads. Third, Democrats would love to put Trump in jail. It’s an ugly terrible story of government tyranny under the Leftists; it is not Trump’s fault our enemies are cruel and ruthless. They have it rough, yes, but he must bide his time. They would also like to put us all in indoctrination camps, like the Chinese, to get BAD ORANGE MAN out of our hair . . . not in this life, criminal scum. I’ll keep fighting for liberty and freedom instead, speak up for reasonably fair and honest elections. Finally, Trump did the best he could with what was known at the time, regarding Covid. He was misled and still excelled; the first vaccines, produced in record time, were effective for the first wave. The boosters, not so much. We ALL learned something about Medical Industrial Complex, their scary lies and absolute whoredom. Trump is doing fine. What are you doing? Complaining Trump hasn’t done enough . . . let the man work, he’s a thinker. Not perfect, but a lot smarter and more successful than any of us. And he has opened the eyes of millions to the real world, what we face.
For the section (point 2) on “Stop Endorsing RINOs,” and regarding to Mo Brooks or Oz, as an example. Isn’t it the American people (i.e – in that district) should know who is who, despite who Trump’s endorsements? The American people should be held accountable as well! not just the leader(s). Is Self Determination no longer in America’s DNA any more? This point would tie back to intro section, to make him hear you (the People) you have to do something to get his attention. He can drop endorsement for Mo Brooks or endorses whoever he thinks best, but it’s the People who should tell him via the ballots. If not, we are the same as the zoombie leftists. Just like B. Franklin said – You have the [Constitutional] Republic, if you can keep it.