Is the U.S. Military intentionally ordering the bare minimum of Pfizer’s FDA-approved COMIRNATY “vaccine”—legally mandated for all military personnel—while administering the experimental Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Pfizer mRNA jab to service members as a general rule? It would certainly seem so based on a copy of an internal email dated May 25, 2022, titled “MTF Ordering Guidance for Pfizer Comirnaty-labeled (Tris/Sucrose?Gray Cap) vaccine,” shared by The Colonel’s Corner Telegram page.
The email, addressed to Certified Surgical Technologists (CSTs), provides specific ordering instructions for Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) related to the “Pfizer/Comirnaty” vaccine with a gray cap. The email states, “Due to the amount of Pfizer Purple Cap vaccine currently on hand, MTFs should limit ordering the Pfizer Gray cap vaccine unless absolutely necessary by the following guidance.”
Specifying the guidance, the email continues, adding that before ordering the “Pfizer Comirnaty-labeled Gray Cap vaccine,” MTFs must first continue to use, order, and […]
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