An Australian mother to a 21-year-old autistic man recently wrote a head-turning opinion piece, describing the process of deciding that her son was too socially inept to organically have sexual relations, and ultimately paying a prostitute to take his virginity.
The Guardian published the anonymous woman’s piece, titled “A sex worker gave my autistic son the gift of confidence – and I organized the encounter,” on Friday. “Parenting takes you on some interesting twists and turns, but as I lay in the maternity ward gazing into my newborn’s eyes, never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that 21 years later I’d be trawling the websites of sex workers looking for a suitable young lady to take his virginity,” the article began. “Yet that’s exactly where I found myself earlier this year.”
“I hope one day he will find the right girl, his own version of Love on […]
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