What began as drag queen story hour evolved into drag shows for children. Now, naked men peddle bikes in front of children at pride parades in Seattle while LGBT activists in New York City marched through the streets chanting: “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children.”
As previously reported by The Epoch Times, the tide is turning on tolerance for transgender ideology. Biological science has been replaced by internal feelings and chosen identities. The clarity of one’s sex has been blurred by the ambiguity of “gender.” There are now an infinite number of pronouns. Failure to use the correct pronoun can result in losing your job. Men are claiming titles, trophies, scholarships, and accolades in women’s sports. Men are named Woman of the Year and crowned in women’s pageants.
The backlash started when Anheuser-Busch chose a transgender influence to become a spokesperson for Bud Light. It became a revolt […]
Excerpt Sourced From: conservativeplaybook.com