There once was a First Lady who went to Nantucket
where she whined about her and her husband’s bad luck-et
Burned by her Taco-gate speechwriters in San Antone
And her laughable effort to atone She made even worse headlines by speaking off-the-cuff-it TRENDING: Another Video Depicting the Impossibility of the 2020 Election Results – This Time Fulton County, Georgia to rich Dem donors in Nantucket. While Joe Biden was humiliating himself in Saudi Arabia this weekend, Jill Biden was in Nantucket, Massachusetts pouting to donors at an exclusive fundraiser of about two dozen guests on Saturday how unhappy she is with how her and Joe Biden’s plans for their time in the White House have turned out because of unforeseen events, while maintaining he was the right man because the “choice was between good and evil.”Jill Biden told the donors Joe Biden and […]
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