A revolt is underway in King Biden’s court. The facade of the Capable Unifier has come undone. As if by magic, a moratorium on noticing Old Joe’s feeble condition has been lifted, and the ruthless machine that pushed the freakish spectacle of his presidency on the country is feigning surprise to find that the Oval Office is occupied by a dementia patient.
Joe Biden has yet to face a midterm referendum, but he is already one of the most unpopular presidents in U.S. history. His own party is abandoning him. A recent New York Times poll found that more than 60 percent of Democrats want Biden to bow out in 2024. Across the board, Biden approval ratings are floating in the 30s.
This day was always going to come, sooner or later. Democrats used every dirty trick in the book to push Biden past the finish line and remove the Bad […]
Excerpt Sourced From: amgreatness.com