Editor’s Note: There seems to be a new climate change terrorist acting out for the sake of publicity every week. Generally, we do not highlight such stories because that’s exactly what they want us to do. In this case, seeing climate change cultists being charged with federal crimes caught my attention.
Some think they’re relatively harmless loonies crying for attention but doing far less harm that violent criminals. This is true, but it should not be dismissed that as most of the world continues to ignore them, eventually their actions will go beyond the realm of TikTok pranks until real damage is done and people are harmed. Loonies only stay non-violent for so long.
Here’s the news wire report:Two individuals believed to be climate activists have been apprehended and now face federal charges for allegedly vandalizing a protective case surrounding Edgar Degas’ “Little Dancer Aged […]
Excerpt Sourced From: freedomfirstnetwork.com