(Courtesy of Larry Clements) People
Second chances are the bedrock of life. A safety net but with more bruises.
Everyone has stories of mucking up—some hitting rock bottom harder than others—yet some get up, fix their mistakes, and are wiser for it, gleaning a greater appreciation for life’s blessings. It’s a story as old as humans.
For Larry Clements, 66, mucking up stemmed from a rough upbringing in a military family in Orange County. He rebelled, stumbled into drugs, and wound up in a tussle with police. Shots were fired, and Larry landed himself in jail.Nobody’s perfect. Nobody’s parents are perfect. Larry’s veering astray, to some degree, flowed from his “mean” World War II vet dad.“He was in the Navy. He was actually in the Battle of Midway,” Larry told The Epoch Times. “He was on the ship the Japanese sunk, the Yorktown. He was what you call a lifer in […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.theepochtimes.com