Obama blames “right-wing” media for “making people fearful of one another.” (Credit: CNN) There’s a strong case to be made that Barack Obama was the most arrogant, self-centered president in modern history. The “smartest guy in the room” said “me, me, me” more times in one speech than an opera tenor warming up for an aria. Four and a half years after leaving office, Cocky Dude hasn’t lost a step.
Obama’s other most-recognizable “quality” is the height of his hypocrisy.
While blatant hypocrisy is the coin of the left-wing realm, nobody does it with more aplomb than the de facto head of the Democrat Party. (Sorry, Joe , you’re not that guy— not even close.)
In a CNN special titled “ Obama & Amanpour , ” O delivered a veritable masterclass on all of the above.In typical Obama arrogance, the former president not only declared that democratic institutions in America and around […]
Excerpt Sourced From: redstate.com