Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, in New York on Sep. 23, 2022. (Blake Wu/The Epoch Times) The child in the study rebelled against gender transition
With schools teaching sex and gender ideology beginning in kindergarten, the Biden administration encouraging early medical treatments for gender dysphoria, and social media influencers discussing the topic, a record number of adolescent girls believe they are transgender and are transitioning to live as males.
Concerned adults are sounding the alarm on the lack of scientific studies to support transgender medical treatments that permanently alter a young person’s physiology and leave their mental health issues unresolved.
Child and adolescent psychiatrist Miriam Grossman, who has been a mental health professional for 40 years, said the gender industry is built on the lies of one troubled psychologist.“The person who came up with the theory was Dr. John Money, and he came up with this idea that a person’s […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.theepochtimes.com