Of all the vaxx- and mask-nannies among governors in the United States, few are as infuriating as Washington Governor Jay Inslee. He has been insufferable with his push to jab every man, woman, and child in the state will imposing the most draconian mask mandates in the land.
As a good Covid soldier, he has been quadruple-jabbed. He constantly wears his mask any time there’s a camera nearby and chastises anyone who’s actually following the science surrounding Covid. But none of this seemed to matter as he now has symptomatic Covid.
According to KIRO7 [emphasis added]:
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee tested positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test, according to the governor’s office.
Inslee is experiencing very mild symptoms, including a mild cough. As Inslee works from home, he is consulting with his doctor to set up treatments for Paxlovid antiviral treatments. He is also fully vaccinated, including two booster shots, in Oct. 2021 and Mar. 2022.
“I am experiencing very mild symptoms and am most glad I’m vaccinated and boosted,” Inslee said. “I hope others consider getting their booster because it’s very effective in preventing serious illness.”
How many times do infected Democrats have to tell us how thankful they are to have been quadruple-jabbed before getting Covid until they realize nobody other than the most indoctrinated are buying their lies?