Townhall Media/Julio Rosas ABC News is reporting the Uvalde Police Department and the Uvalde Independent School District police force are not cooperating with a Texas Department of Public Safety investigation into the massacre at Robb Elementary School.
According to ABC’s sources, the police and the school district stopped cooperating after a May 27 news conference , in which Texas Director of Public Safety Steven McCraw said the order to stand down was “the wrong decision,” and against protocol.
It’s an ominous development in this tragedy, one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history. How will we ever know why things went so horribly wrong, and why so many decisions appear to have been contrary to training, if the two of the major institutions involved won’t cooperate? Are they hiding something?
Neither the police chief nor the spokesperson for the Uvalde Independent School District has responded to a request for comment, according […]
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