In recent years, I have been turned to by multiple politicians, candidates, and political organizations seeking consultation on their messaging. My past life in advertising combined with my current penchant for politics has prompted several to seek my counsel. I don’t own a consultancy and I don’t proclaim to be an expert, but for some reason, my name keeps getting dropped to various conservative campaigns.
This often gets me thinking from a strategy perspective on how to win on issues against the radical left. It was this strategic side that had me initially looking towards crime as a way to get more people on the side of defending the 2nd Amendment. Thankfully, I learned yesterday that my strategic thinking was wrong. It would be disingenuous of me to use glaring crime statistics and logic to defend the 2nd Amendment because that’s not what I truly believe.
Does the 2nd Amendment play a major role in our ability to defend ourselves against criminals? Absolutely. But that’s not the truest intent of the 2nd Amendment, nor is it the most important role of our right to keep and bear arms. Tyranny is the real threat that the 2nd Amendment addresses, which is why I’ve reversed course on talking about crime.
From a strategic perspective, it is easier to use crime facts to catch the ear of a moderate or leftist who can be made to understand the importance of the 2nd Amendment. When you try to talk to them about tyranny, they glaze over. For some reason, far too many Americans have been indoctrinated into two false beliefs. First, they cannot imagine a need for American citizens to defend themselves against a tyrannical American government because they think it could never happen. Second, they cannot picture a scenario where the United States is invaded by foreign powers that would prompt the need for citizens to defend our homeland.
But at the end of the day, that’s what the 2nd Amendment is really about. For us to think otherwise is wrong, and for us to use the crime-fighting argument as the primary way to win the debate against the left is futile. We learned that yesterday with the Michael Sussmann verdict. If we thought evidence and logic can win over the left, Sussmann’s not-guilty verdict proves otherwise. The jury made a biased and very political verdict, facts be damned.
The same thing has happened with the crime-fighting argument in defense of the 2nd Amendment. It is unambiguously demonstrable that keeping guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is extremely beneficial in preventing crimes from happening or stopping them when they do. But the left has not been generally dissuaded from believing the surface-level logic that fewer guns mean less crime. They don’t get it, and they won’t get it. They’ve been brainwashed into believing the lie.
Knowing this, we must always focus on our opposition to tyranny as the supreme reason the 2nd Amendment is so important. It may not catch as many leftists’ attention, but we need to stick to our guns (pun intended) on the true purpose of our rights. They are God-given and ensured by the Constitution. Any efforts to strike them down are direct attacks against us, and therefore they are direct agents of tyranny.
We need a groundswell of patriots who are willing to make the right argument in defense of liberty and opposition to oppression. That means we need to protest. Reactions to January 6th have had a cooling effect on many protests, but we must reverse that. Will there be FBI agents in our midst at these protests? Yes. Will there be Antifa and other leftist agitators? Absolutely. But just because they’re trying to foil us doesn’t mean we should avoid them.
We need phone calls to our representatives on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures. We need to prepare lawsuits to oppose any and all new restrictions they attempt to place on our right to keep and bear arms. We have to win the upcoming midterms in a big way, though that may not be enough to stop gun control with people like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy in charge.
Most importantly, we must educate as many as we can about the real intent of the 2nd Amendment. Crime is an issue that favors the left, not because they’re right but because that surface-level logic of “fewer guns means fewer crimes” penetrates the intellect of intellectually lazy citizens. But even if we could use facts about crime to change hearts and minds, we shouldn’t. It’s not what the 2nd Amendment is really about. If we are going to take the high ground, then we should do so with our intentions properly grounded in reality.
Tyranny is the real danger, and we need to express that to as many people in as many ways as possible.
I discussed all of this in the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel.
Lt. Governor Mark Robinson terminated the gun control debate 4 years ago in Greensboro, North Carolina — well before he was deservedly elected to his current position. No more needs to be said, the gun control debate is already over.
There is no debate.
There can never be any debate.
“Shall not be infringed” ends all debate. Biden and other dems like to claims rights are not absolute. But that is precisely what the phrase “shall not be infringed” means as does inalienable as in our rights are inalienable.
It is easier to fool a person than to convince them they have been fooled. While I agree that the premise of your argument has its merits, trying to convince morons that the 2nd Amendment is about securing our inalienable rights against the tyranny of the state will be problematic.
Statistics are black and white and must always buttress our approach to defending the Second Amendment. One approach is intellectual and does nothing to convince the hordes of idiots on the left. Guns, on the other hand are something they understand, Can Kill them.
So, our first approach should be to give them all the information about the truth about gun use. If they cannot fathom that or the words in the second amendment then they can be considered our enemy. As Chairman Mao was noted to have said: “Political Power Comes Out Of The Barrel Of A GUN. AND, that is what the left needs to fully grasp, that if they want our guns they will die in the process. Remember my friend, Demonrats on the whole are not intellectually inclined, so appealing to their mental prowess will be an exercise in futility.
I’ve Been arguing by pointing out the True Purpose of the Second Amendment for quite some time. The left simply will not be educated. Apparently all the history books and horror stories are In the Past, and That stuff just Can’t happen Here. Lefties don’t understand what tyranny is, because they see themselves as virtuous and caring, not seeing the tyranny they want to shove into our lives as tyranny. They want to rule us. They want to tax us out of our air conditioning and pickup trucks, because Warming. They are not able to have introspective, unbiased, deep thinking. They don’t know why they believe what they believe, or explaining to them how the things they are pushing for will screw them over and they would get it. I agree that the actual reason for the Second Amendment is the lead. And the obviousness of the failure of gun control should be included in the conversation. If Gun control worked,, Chicago would look like Mayberry. Lefties sed the failure and, chiming in unison say,We just haven’t been able to go far enough. They go blind when you show them crime statistics. In 73, Louisiana was just carjackers having fun. People were being dragged to death,babies in the back seat taken, and Finally the governor went on TV and told people
If you want to get a gun,get a gun! And in a Coupla weeks there had been an appreciable number of gut shot carjackers, floppin, screaming and bleeding, that the game lost its allure.
There is just something Missing in the brains of lefties. I’m not going to stop trying, but I should, because it’s Not working.
Not actually sure that the full quote attributed to Jefferson at the beginning of the article is valid. I cannot find anywhere that he said those words. It’s important, because when people post quotes that actually aren’t quotes, the lefties cry foul and ignorance….
However, the sentiment is certainly correct, as Jefferson clearly said the following in 1787 during the Constitutional Convention period where a Constitution was being hashed out and seeking ratification:
“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical…An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government. “(Letter to Madison, 1787)
And he also said “What country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. ” (In a letter to William Smith, son-in-law of John Adams, 1787)