The United States ruling class is warning of economic turmoil if it defaults on its debt. The White House says to expect a “deep recession” and a stock market bloodbath as it plunges 45%.
The deadline for the ruling class to lift the debt limit is rapidly approaching in early June as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen exhausts all of the department’s “extraordinary measures”. Most of those measures are nothing more than fear-mongering and propaganda. If a debt ceiling deal isn’t reached, it could mean the Treasury forgoes Social Security payments, payments to Medicare and Medicaid, and ultimately payments to U.S. bondholders, according to a report by Yahoo News. New Research Connects The Spike Protein To Long Haul Covid
Prepare For The New System: A “Crisis of Epic Proportions” Is Coming
If the ruling class allows itself to default, it will surely use this as an excuse to […]
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