Suddenly Unwoke: AOC Wants Tent City for Illegal Aliens Moved OUT of Her District
How do you expose woke social justice politicians who rip on others for not embracing the idiotic policies they want ...
How do you expose woke social justice politicians who rip on others for not embracing the idiotic policies they want ...
The Biden-Harris regime is trying to destroy America, but you probably knew that already. In the sea of horrible policies ...
"There it is," quipped one political commentator on social media. "There's the way they turn illegal aliens into Democrat voters." ...
Joe Biden was asked today why there is such a bigger border crisis on his watch. Since Donald Trump was ...
When Donald Trump first ran for president, he made controversial statements about the quality of people crossing the southern border ...
There's a reason people like Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren have been extremely successful and become ...
He's right. Senator Ted Cruz went on with Fox News host Sean Hannity to discuss the current border wars. No, ...
One of two things is going to happen. Either leftists are going to acknowledge there's a massive illegal alien problem ...
Ever since the Biden-Harris regime was installed into the White House, corporate media and their puppet-masters in the regime's propaganda ...
We're accustomed to hypocrisy from leftists. They have a tendency to say one thing about other people's problems while doing ...
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