5 Things Patriots MUST Do Now to Stop Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell From Passing More Gun Control
Gun control is the hot topic of the day. Democrats and their RINO brethren are poised to pass some sort ...
Gun control is the hot topic of the day. Democrats and their RINO brethren are poised to pass some sort ...
From the beginning of his political career and as recently as last week, Joe Biden has said he does not ...
Depending on the situation in any mass murder in America, politicians and corporate media react in one of two ways. ...
Word Salad: "Unintelligible, extremely disorganized speech or writing manifested as a symptom of a mental disorder." Since being installed into ...
Corporate media is busying itself building the false narrative that the Buffalo mass murderer, who was a former communist and ...
Today's episode of "How to Red-Pill a Radical Progressive With Economic Truth" started with a standard Tweet from the White ...
If you had "baby formula crisis" on your list of midterm election issues, then you win the grand prize because ...
I received a disturbing tip this morning that Joe Biden's green infrastructure initiatives are on the verge of total failure ...
81 million Americans allegedly put a dementia-ridden liar, racist, and puppet-to-the-highest-bidder in the White House, and the results have been ...
For nearly a year, patriots have been wondering why Joe Biden has his press conferences in a fake Oval Office ...
© 2025 JD Rucker - Ephesians 6:12