Pro-Vaxx Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Admits Profusely “The Anti-Vaxxers Win”
Mark Twain is often misattributed as saying, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been ...
Mark Twain is often misattributed as saying, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been ...
Update 2: It is possible that Silk was referring to shedding rather than Diamond being directly vaxxed. We've reached out through ...
Just a couple of months ago, adverse reactions to the Covid-19 "vaccines" were considered to be very rare. At least ...
Ask you average "normie" what is driving the push for universal vaccinations that has permeated American society for two years ...
More Americans are becoming aware of the dangers associated with the Covid-19 "vaccines" on a daily basis. The rise of ...
Another young and otherwise healthy person has died suddenly from a heart attack. This time, popular American Idol contestant CJ ...
The rising cases of young and otherwise healthy people dying suddenly has claimed another victim with a promising future. According ...
There seems to be a common theme with many of the potentially vaccine-induced sudden deaths in recent weeks. They seem ...
For two years, many of us have called for the Covid-19 "vaccines" to be pulled from the market and for ...
This was already getting ridiculous a year ago. At this point it's becoming so common to see young and otherwise ...
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