Woke Walmart Pulls Ads From Twitter While Continuing to Promote Heinous Acts Against Children
Retail juggernaut Walmart has joined Disney and other woke companies in pulling the ads from Twitter over Elon Musk's posts. ...
Retail juggernaut Walmart has joined Disney and other woke companies in pulling the ads from Twitter over Elon Musk's posts. ...
It's no secret that we don't like General Mark Milley. His actions that we know of during his time in ...
Mostly-white leftists have been on crusades to advance Cultural Marxism for decades. None of their various causes are more ludicrous ...
For complete transparency, I have been on a soft boycott of Hollywood for many years. And by "soft" boycott, I ...
Some are starting to wake up to the fact that it's not some misguided marketing executives or woke-blinded CEOs thinking ...
LGBTQIA+ Cultists win again in professional sports as the Los Angeles Dodgers have reversed their reversal regarding a blasphemous transvestite ...
As a self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom, the Channel Island of Jersey has a long history of tradition, splendor, ...
For years, we've been warning parents to get their children away from Disney. Now, it's also prudent for investors to ...
Anyone who makes a living in conservative media knows how challenging it is to feed the family when corporate media, ...
How do you expose woke social justice politicians who rip on others for not embracing the idiotic policies they want ...
© 2025 JD Rucker - Ephesians 6:12