Money Magazine recently released its list of the best places to live in the U.S. It is riddled with pompous virtue-signaling and plagued by diversity-induced myopia that skews rankings to fit a progressive, multicultural agenda. Indeed, the magazine admits that it “gave preference toward places with populations that were less than 80% white.” Many places probably are, but why propagate such bias instead of applying the criteria (education, jobs, housing, quality of life, etc.) objectively?
Instead, in the descriptive justifications for each ranking, Money Magazine touts diversity and multiculturalism. That emphasis results in high “best place” rankings for places with high crime rates, which are a big concern for most Americans. For example, a recent Morning Consult-Politico poll shows that 77% of voters believe that crime in the U.S. is a major problem. If one doesn’t feel safe, quality of life will be elusive.
Constrained by its contrived diversity data, Money […]
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