An aggressive thug picked on the wrong father to mess with he tried to threaten his family in a Washington dog park.
The father was at the park in Yakima with his “small child” when a stranger started to threaten them.
When the dad tried to leave with his son, the man crossed the line and went after them.
The dad reached his limit at this point and drew his weapon, shooting the man dead.Multiple people called 911 around 2:30 pm saying a man was acting erratically at the Randall dog park, the Yakima Herald-Republic reported .Authorities said in a city police news release that witnesses reported that he walked up to and began interacting with a man and child in a threatening way, KAPP-TV reported .The threatening man was later identified as Daniel Ortega, 22, of Yakima.Ortega “attempted to endanger the life of the small child with his words and actions,” […]
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