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Tom Elliott, an independent journalist and founder of Grabien, has been making a name for himself in recent months with poignant commentaries while also highlighting some obvious truths. His penchant for cutting through the minutia is quickly apparent from his Twitter feed.
His latest take on the FBI is an absolute gem. No need for additional commentary as Elliott’s words do all the talking:
The FBI is a lawless, extraconstitutional agency that’s been violating Americans’ civil liberties & various federal laws from the get-go, yet has never been fundamentally reformed, nor have individual agents been held accountable for the most egregious crimes.
Today is but the latest example: After whistleblowers reported the FBI was illegally targeting Americans based on their religious beliefs, the @FBI’s Wray said he’s super sorry & it won’t happen again — but, as always, declined to actually punish anyone or reform anything.
Because that’s how this lawless agency’s always operated:
- After the FBI was caught spying on the Goldwater campaign at the behest of Pres. Johnson, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- When the FBI tried to convince MLK to kill himself, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- When the FBI launched Cointelpro & seeded false rumors amongst Black Panthers to get them to start killing each other & innocent Americans were caught in the crossfire, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- After an FBI agent murdered Vicki Weaver in 1992 while she held her infant daughter, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- After the FBI murdered 75 Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- After the FBI falsely accused Richard Jewell of being the Olympics bomber, ruining his life, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- After the FBI framed four innocent men of murder, two died of whom in prison and the other two of whom served 62 years behind bars, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
- After Comey’s FBI was caught running its own NSA-style domestic snooping operation that violated Americans’ 4th Amendment rights, no one was fired, no one was held accountable.
- After the FBI screwed up Dylann Roof’s background check, enabling him to buy a gun and thus commit one of the worst mass shootings in history, no one was fired, no one was held accountable.
- After gymnasts complained to the FBI that Larry Nassar was sexually abusing them, the FBI failed to follow up, and then falsified witnesses’ testimony to excuse their own inaction; no one was fired, no one was held accountable.
- After Jeffrey Epstein was known to be sexually trafficking & raping minors, the FBI cut a deal with him which traded information in exchange for enabling his trafficking & raping to continue; no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
I have dozens of other examples and could do this all day, but perhaps the most important of all is that so many acts of terror & mass murder have been committed due to the United States having an FBI rather than a federal law enforcement agency that competently responds to emerging threats.
Believe it or not but the FBI has been warned about almost every mass killer/terrorist over the last three decades yet has somehow failed to stop almost every one. To wit: the 9/11 hijackers; the “Underwear Bomber”; the Fort Hood terrorist; the Boston Marathon bombers; three Americans who went to Syria to join ISIS; another ISIS-inspired terrorist in New Jersey who killed 3 in Washington; the Garland, Texas terrorists; the Pulse Nightclub terrorist; another terrorist who stabbed 2 in Virginia; the NYC bomber, Ahmad Rahani; the terrorists who struck the “Draw Muhammad” event; the Parkland, Fla. mass murderer; another ISIS convert named Corey Johnson; the Waffle House mass killer; the New Mexico terror compound; the Nashville bomber; the Boulder terrorist, Ahmad al Issa … Again, thousands of Americans would be alive today if Congress had already located the cojones to fundamentally reform & rein in the FBI.
In the meantime, the gravest threat to Americans’ safety & civil rights is not “white nationalists” or “domestic extremists” but rather the lawless agency that commits whatever crimes it wants without ever having to worry about being held accountable.
Ultimately, you cannot be pro “law and order” and “pro-FBI.”
It’s impossible to make the case for the prolonged existence of the FBI. Perhaps there was a time when they were salvageable, but those days are behind us. It’s time to defund, disband, or otherwise dismantle the corrupt and irredeemable Federal Bureau of Investigations.
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