Everyone remembers the first Al Gore world tour promoting fake global warming, talking about how the shorelines of America would all recede as the great glaciers of the world melt and the oceans rise. We heard fibs about the ozone layer and trapped greenhouse gases.
Even statistics of the hottest years since 1935 made it seem as though every human might be bursting into flames soon if we don’t stop all the cows from farting and start car-pooling in the H.O.V. lanes on the highways. Once everyone realized the sun isn’t getting hotter, and the world’s ice isn’t melting, Al Gore and his conspiracy theory cohorts changed the name to “ climate change ,” so that every hurricane, tornado, and weather “event” could be blamed on those pesky gas-guzzling, hamburger-chomping humans (taxpayers the globalists want to rob). Top 10 reasons “climate change” is a Ponzi scheme and a hoax to […]
Excerpt Sourced From: americafirstreport.com