Yes, Big Food and Big Pharma get away with murder, literally. Even though there aren’t food and “farma” representatives going around cities and towns shooting or stabbing folks, that is not to say that their marketing ploys and cons don’t con people into using products that cause conditions that kill, slowly, like obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and dementia.
The Health Ranger calls most of these consumers “ obedience idiots ” because they fall for just about every marketing farce and bogus mantra advertised heavily on television, in the newspapers, and of course, on the Counterfeit News Network (CNN).
If Fauci says the clot shots for his lab-made flu are “safe and effective,” well then, they must be , right? After all, he’s a disease specialist and wouldn’t be on television if he wasn’t, right? Little do they know children are suffering seizures from the Wuhan virus jabs.
And if the […]
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