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Humans and our use of natural resources did not cause the drought in California and government policies didn’t end it. Record rain and snow, that were not predicted, ended the drought.
Droughts, and other weather events, throughout history have always come cyclically and naturally and always will. It is a massive fraud, to scare the public into submission, when politicians, bureaucrats and others make dire predictions and then claim they can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity if we just let the government confiscate trillions of dollars and give up our quality of life and freedom.
Indoctrination, repeating something over and over again, is the only explanation for anyone believing that electric cars and getting rid of gas stoves and gas heating will change temperatures and the climate. Climate Alarmists Swing From Megadrought to El Niño We haven’t heard much lately from climate changists about the megadrought — trumpeted as […]
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