There’s a reason Finland and Sweden have enjoyed strong relationships with both Russia and most western nations simultaneously. Their longstanding position of neutrality has helped them maintain both security and economic prosperity for decades. Russia wanted to do business with them as neighbors and western nations wanted to stay friendly based on shared values.
Things are changing as the machinations of the New World Order progress nicely on a global scale. Both nations have announced their intentions of joining NATO, and NATO has indicated their applications will be quickly approved. This has been a red line for Russia for decades. Ukraine’s desire to join NATO was cited as the primary reason Russia invaded them. How will they react to their Scandinavian neighbors crossing the red line as well?
You would have to be insane to include Sweden and Finland in NATO. And that's exactly why it's going to happen.
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) May 15, 2022
Thankfully, it’s unlikely that Russia will be as harsh towards this move as they were with the threat of Ukraine joining NATO. Unlike Ukraine, Finland and Sweden do not have territories contested by Moscow. That’s the biggest difference. Russian Security Council’s Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev did note that it’s incorrect to think Russia’s stance towards Finland and Sweden would have changed because of the invasion of Ukraine.
“It is illogical to suggest that if the special operation in Ukraine had not occurred, the question of these nations joining NATO would not have arisen, and the situation would have been far better for Russia,” Medvedev stated. He also added, “This is not so. Firstly, attempts to drag them into the alliance have been made before. And secondly, most importantly, we do not have territorial disputes with these countries, which is why the price of such membership is different for us.”
Despite claiming that Sweden and Finland joining NATO is less of a concern to Russia than if Ukraine had joined, Russia did note that this changes their calculus by adding more border they’ll need to protect from possible NATO invasion. That means their military stance and alert status will be heightened, sparking concern that a widespread war could erupt far more easily in Europe as a result.
Finland shares an 830-mile border with Russia and Sweden is located across the Baltic Sea, which is why Russia claims they will be forced to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to the border.
Russian state TV on Finland/Sweden wanting to join Nato:“Their official reason is fear. But they’ll have more fear in Nato. When Nato bases appear in Sweden & Finland, Russia will have no choice but to neutralise the imbalance & new threat by deploying tactical nuclear weapons.”
— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) May 15, 2022
This all aligns with what some perceive as the plans of the New World Order to cause further chaos in Eastern Europe that will spread across the globe. Economic hardships have already been devastating for western nations as sanctions begin taking their toll.
Meanwhile, Russia has felt the effects as well, but they appear to be handling it better as recipients of the sanctions than the western nations that are imposing them.
Information Liberation reported that the Ruble has outperformed all other currencies this year:
The Russian ruble, which Biden said two months ago had been “reduced to rubble,” is the world’s top performing currency of 2022.
“As a result of our unprecedented sanctions, the ruble was almost immediately reduced to rubble,” Biden said on March 26. “The Russian economy is on track to be cut in half. It was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this invasion — and soon, it will not even rank among the top 20.”
As a result of our unprecedented sanctions, the ruble was almost immediately reduced to rubble.
The Russian economy is on track to be cut in half.
It was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this invasion — and soon, it will not even rank among the top 20.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 26, 2022
On Thursday, Bloomberg News reported the ruble has surpassed Brazil’s real to become “the world’s best performing currency this year.”
Russian Ruble is World's Best Currency This Year
— First Squawk (@FirstSquawk) May 12, 2022
Now, NATO membership for Sweden and Finland appears to be done deals, driven by far left governments aligned with the World Economic Forum. According to the Washington Times:
Sweden took a major step toward ending its longstanding policy of neutrality Sunday as the ruling Social Democratic Party said it now favored applying for membership in the NATO military alliance.
The move came just hours after Finnish President Sauli Niinisto confirmed in Helsinki that Finland was moving forward with its own NATO bid, with plans to formally submit the proposal to parliament within days.
Public and elite opinion in both countries has shifted sharply since the Russian invasion of Ukraine Feb. 24. Sweden’s Social Democrats had long opposed formal NATO membership in part because they did not want to provoke Moscow.
“The party board has at its meeting on May 15, 2022 decided that the party will work toward Sweden applying for membership in NATO,” the Social Democrats said in a statement. Social Democratic Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson is expected to begin the process for a formal application soon, the Reuters news service reported.
What does this all mean as far as World War III is concerned? First and foremost, it brings us closer to direct military action with Russia on a new front. We are already antagonizing them in Ukraine with the “aid” that we’re sending them. Russia views any assistance given to Ukraine as an act of war, especially considering there is very little “humanitarian” aid that is being distributed. Most of the assistance is coming in the form of cash which the Ukrainian government then redirects towards weapons purchases.
Just because aid is earmarked for one reason doesn’t mean the cash for it will be used for the stated purpose. This is by design so our politicians can distance themselves from the label of “warmonger,” but they understand what they’re doing. Ukraine understands what’s happening. Russia understands what’s happening.
By expanding NATO’s border with Russia, we’re prompting desperation. Yes, there will be tactical nukes near Finland and Sweden that were not there before. Yes, the chances of an inadvertent or intentional spark that could cause a war go up dramatically by the two Scandinavian countries joining NATO. And while we may rightly blame Russia for prompting action of some sort against them, the actions our governments have chosen to take are not bringing anyone closer to peace.
How close are we to World War III? It will all depend on what transpires between now and the official admission of Finland and Sweden into NATO. If Russia is somehow able to win their regional conflict in Ukraine before then, it’s very possible we could see de-escalation. Of course, it’s also possible that a Russian victory would prompt NATO to become more aggressive towards Russia, in which case things could escalate even more than they have already.
If Russia is still stuck in a pitched battle with Ukraine by the time NATO adds its two newest members, the desperation and frustration in Moscow will encourage them to take the hardest military stance possible towards NATO. Like a wounded animal that is hyperaware of any potential threat around it, Russia will be suspicious of every move made across the border while weakened by a protracted war with Ukraine.
The situation is evolving ideally for the New World Order. They could spark more war at any time, just as financial power players have done for centuries. The difference is this one may be the last war the world sees for a while.
How can a WWII relic Alliance take on new “members”, Obligating all US Citizens to defend them with unlimited blood and treasure, WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE U.S CITIZENS?
This is NOT right. Where are you, GOPe? Hey, Mitch, WE SAY NO!
So we finally get to launch all the Nukes we built???
How sad that Ronald Reagan’s work to build friendly relations between the U.S. and Russia have been completely undone. Reagan made the world safer; Obama/biden have returned us to the brink of nuclear war.