It took the CDC, FDA, and corporate media at least eight months from the first major study to acknowledge the Covid jabs “may” cause blood clots, myocarditis, and other major circulatory ailments in “rare” cases. We’re now about eight months and dozens of studies in since the first studies showed the jabs cause incurable prion disease. Will they finally acknowledge it now?
Probably not. We’ve linked to and followed dozens of studies from a wide range of scientists across the globe pointing to the connection, but to no avail. Here are just three of the reputable studies we’ve highlighted in the past.
- October 18, 2021: Dire Prediction Proven Correct: Woman Develops Deadly Prion Disease After Covid Shot
- November 26, 2021: PROOF: COVID Vaccines Cause Prion Diseases
- February 25, 2022: Evidence That COVID “Vaccines” Could Be Linked to Increased Prion Disease Cases Surfaces
Considering we only have access to news feeds that are populated by around 250 right-leaning news sites, we can assume those who have access to medical journals and science news feeds have seen far more than we have. Yet we’re hearing nothing about this from corporate media or our government. Why?
The answer is obvious. They have an agenda to push and propaganda to disseminate. The multitude of studies connecting the jabs to prion disease is simply fodder for Big Tech companies to censor and corporate media to ignore.
The latest story to add to the pile comes via Marina Zhang from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times:
Studies Link Incurable Prion Disease With COVID-19 Vaccine
Studies on COVID-19 vaccines have suggested links between Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)—an incurable and fatal prion disease—and getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
A recent French pre-print on CJD and COVID-19 vaccination has suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine may have contributed to the emergence of a new type of sporadic CJD disease that is a lot more aggressive and rapid in disease progression as compared to the traditional CJD.
CJD is a rare disease caused by an abnormal protein in the brain called a prion.
Prions naturally occur in the brain and are usually harmless, but when they become diseased or misfolded, they will affect nearby prions to also become misshapen, leading to deterioration of brain tissue and death.
The disease is incurable as once one prion becomes infected, it will continue to propagate to other prions with no treatment capable of stopping its progress.
The majority of people with CJD have sporadic CJD; they become infected for no apparent reason. However, small subsets of people are diagnosed due to inheritance.
Sporadic CJD, though occurring at random, has been linked to consumption of meat that has been infected with diseased prions, such as affecting individuals that ingest beef from a cow that has been infected.
Though the Omicron variant of COVID-19 does not carry a prion region in its spike protein, the first Wuhan COVID-19 variant has a prion region on its spike protein. A U.S. study indicates that the prion area is able to interact with human cells.
Therefore, when the Wuhan variant’s spike protein gene information was made into a vaccine as part of the mRNA and adenovirus vaccines, the prion region was also incorporated.
As part of the natural cellular process, once the mRNA is incorporated into the cells, the cell will turn the mRNA instructions into a COVID-19 spike protein, tricking the cells into believing that it has been infected so that they create an immunological memory against a component of the virus.
However, the biological process of translating mRNA information into proteins is not perfect and immune to mistakes.
A U.S. study has speculated that a misfolded spike protein could in turn create a misfolded prion region that may be able to interact with healthy prions to cause damage, leading to CJD disease.
A peer-reviewed study in Turkey (pdf) and the French preprint have identified sudden CJD cases appearing after getting the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines, suggesting links between getting vaccinated and being infected.
The French study found an onset of symptoms within 11.38 days of being vaccinated while the case study in Turkey has found symptoms appearing 1 day after vaccination.
Previous studies of CJD in cannibal groups have indicated that CJD can remain dormant after infection for around 10 years or more. However, authors of the French study have found that the CJD cases observed after being vaccinated by COVID-19 are a lot more rapid in onset.
The study identified 26 cases across Europe and United States; 20 of the cases had already died by the time the study was written, with death occurring on average 4.76 months after being vaccinated.
“This confirms the radically different nature of this new form of CJD, whereas the classic form requires several decades,” wrote the researchers, led by Dr. Jean-Claude Perez.
Wow, what more will we discover about these deadly vaccines? I know people that took 3 jabs and they are deteriorating rapidly.
One needs a walker, one is bedridden with nerve damage, and another one is limping around now.
Tell those people and everyone you know that GLUTATHIONE will reduce many of the effects experienced by those that are vaccinated.
I hereby mandate all severely, profoundly libtarded get vaccinated and abort those who don’t.
Thanks for making your site google rat free of their ads. Was able to finally read an article that was ad free,! I just hate ‘in your face ads’!
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If true, this is catastrophic. When prions first appeared, I heard about a man mysteriously dying from this prion disease. Attendants wore three layers of garments handling his body. The first layer was put with his body in a body bag. The second layer was put in a coffin with the body bag that was sealed to be air tight. After being washed from head to foot with disinfectants, the third layer was removed and burned. Then the attendants were washed while nude from head to foot with disinfectants. I don’t know what happened to the breathing apparatus. Even after all these precautions they were not sure they did enough. This is serious.
Treatments for Mad Cow, Other Prion Diseases May Be Coming
By Neil Wagner
He Atlantic, OCTOBER 11, 2011
“Researchers at NYU School of Medicine recently took a key step in developing an effective treatment. They found four compounds that significantly delayed disease onset in mice. Because prion diseases are extremely slow to develop, any treatment that delays their initial symptoms long enough could potentially be life saving. And two of these anti-prion compounds are drugs already used to treat other conditions in humans, meaning that clinical trials of them may soon be underway.
“The two drugs are trimipramine, an antidepressant, and fluphenazine, an antipsychotic.”