The vast majority of my life has been spent in cities and suburbs. I have only lived short periods of time outside of areas like Los Angeles and New York City, so I’m what you might call a “city boy.” But I am strongly considering moving my family away from the city and I’d suggest the same to those who have the means and the desire.
Article originally published on one of my Substacks, The Late Prepper.
There are many reasons for this, but a new one has popped up in recent months that would never have swayed me in the past. I’ve heard over and over how bad things can get in the city in the event of major emergencies or terrorist attacks, but I’ve always dismissed them. Like I said, I’m a city boy so having access to things has always been important. But the past few months have taught me there’s a good chance I won’t want my family in the city when the crap starts hitting the fan, and that seems to be possible at any moment.
Case-in-Point: The radiological attack response drills that are going on in Austin, Texas, right now. I’ll let Ethan Huff from Natural News describe the details below, but it’s a compelling reason to consider leaving city life if possible. Many bad events can strike anywhere, city or not, but it seems very likely that a radiological attack would target the heaviest population centers.
As I said on the latest episode of The Late Prepper, it isn’t all perfect in living more isolated. There are disadvantages and threats to country living that don’t exist as much in cities and suburbs. With that said, it still seems like a safer bet for most. Here’s Ethan with the details:
Dirty Bomb Drills Being Run in Austin, Tex., Ahead of Known Radiological Terror Cells Entering U.S.
From May 16 through May 20, the Department of Energy’s (DoE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is holding a drill in Austin, Tex., that involves the use of low-flying aircraft and a simulated radiological attack.
Called “Cobalt Magnet 22,” the exercise is supposedly taking place to prepare local, state and federal agencies for the possibility of a future radiological attack. Since these drills tend to go live, however, many want to know: Is this another false flag attack in the making?
At “various locations around the city,” an announcement from the NNSA reads, “the exercise will simulate a radiological attack, enabling response personnel to practice protecting public health and safety, providing emergency relief to affected populations, and restoring essential services.”
During the exercise, personnel donned in PPE (personal protective equipment) will reportedly be seen moseying around Austin with equipment as they pretend to monitor and detect radiation, presumably from a nuclear attack.
First responders “and others,” the announcement adds ominously, will also be “staged at various locations” throughout the Texas capital as part of the drill.
“The men and women of the Nuclear Emergency Support Team – or NEST – are trained to provide decision-makers with timely, actionable scientific advice during fearful events,” says Jay Tilden, the DoE’s Deputy Under Secretary for Counterterrorism and Counterproliferation.
“Saving lives and reducing the impact of a nuclear incident requires a full understanding of what happened, who will be affected, and what the optimal response should be. NEST’s bread and butter is providing that information to local, state, and federal leaders as rapidly as possible.”
Mayor Adler and other local officials: “This is only an exercise”
In order to quell the fears of area residents who are concerned about this latest government exercise mysteriously going live, Austin Mayor Steve Adler, a raging liberal Demoncrat with “Get vaccinated!” written prominently on his Twitter handle, wrote the following in a tweet:
“During a planning exercise next week, Austinites may see teams in protective clothing using radiological equipment, low-flying aircraft gathering data, and groups of first responders and other staged at various locations. This is only an exercise.”
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Along with this message, Adler shared a link to an article from The Hill explaining the exercise in further detail.
Austin Emergency Management (AEM) tweeted a similar message three days later, emphasizing that the event is “just an exercise” and not to worry or panic.
Neither the NNSA nor any other local agencies in Austin have clarified why the simulation is happening there, or whether or not Austin is under any kind of radiological or other threat that would render it a potential target.
Cobalt Magnet 22 is reminiscent of the “Jade Helm 15” exercise from 2015 that also took place in this same area of Texas, and under similarly strange circumstances.
As you may recall, the Health Ranger visited one of the sites involved in that exercise, which include “guard towers” similar to the ones used in fascist regimes to monitor prisoners being held captive behind barbed-wire fencing.
Jade Helm 15 simulated the infiltration of soldiers operating “undetected amongst civilian populations,” the purpose being to see if they could infiltrate and blend in with the general population without being noticed.
Concerning this latest exercise in Austin, Adan Salazar, writing for Infowars and Newswars, had this to say:
“The exercise comes as NATO and its allies have continued to prop up Ukraine in its war against Russia, provoking the former Soviet nation which has full nuclear capabilities. Agencies did not say the drills were in response to any type of threat from Russia.”
For more news and information about this topic, be sure to check out
Sources for this article include:
Biden’s war lords are aching for battle with the Rus. This diabolical regime is prepping America for an impending nuclear exchange where millions of Americans will be wiped out. Depopulation is the ultimate goal from these WEF gangsters.
Enjoy our power grid and all the perks of civilization while they last–and learn to do without it all BEFORE you have to do without it all.
Enjoy all our perks of civilization while they last–and learn to do without them BEFORE you have to do without them.
I don’t know if you will see this, read this, or even if it will be posted.
When the “event” happens, if you aren’t dead from the “event”, you will die within walking distance from where you were when the “event” happened.
If you are in a city, you will die quickly, if you are in the country, you will live a little bit longer.
No matter where you live, when the “event” happens, you will die, it is just a question of how soon you will die.
Everyone on the Earth died when God erased everyone but the family of Noah.
Everyone local died when God destroyed Gomorrah, even his wife, when she looked back.
The Bible has told us that everyone will die – it doesn’t matter where you are on the Earth. You will die.
Gathering products for “survival”, means nothing.
Food, water, guns, ammo, money, books, location, none of it will matter. When God acts, there has only EVER been ONE survivor.
We see from history that only Noah survived – Worldwide; Only Lott survived – local.
God will destroy every person on the face of the Earth, it is written.
We are in that time when God is going to erase the entire human race – again.
Frankly, if I were God, I would wipe out America, without hesitation, 60+ MILLION MURDERED babies? and your politicians, media, movies, information are demanding to continue the practice?
You are dead – no regret.
I believe in a Christian God, and part of my Faith in God includes the belief that baby killers will see JUSTICE – before they go to Hell.
Back to the point of this posting; If you aren’t out of the city already, you will die soon; If you are out of the city, you will die not so soon.
I do read the comments.
We do not know God’s timing. I agree that such an “event” would mean it doesn’t matter how far away you are or if you’re able to get the rocks to fall on you to cover you up, as the Bible notes some will do.
But what if that time is not now? What if the events we’ll be facing soon are not God’s judgment but rather just really bad things like societal collapse or dirty bombs? Something to consider.
The globalists don’t want the United States destroyed. We have too many natural resources.
My belief is, this means if there were to be a “nuclear event”, it would be a dirty bomb or a small device set off in or near a city to cause maximum panic and confusion. Depending on range to the target, prevailing winds, and the amount of cover, most people in this country would be fine. This rational fact would be overwhelmed by the panic about something you cannot see, feel, smell, or taste. COVID viruses were the same way and the panic they caused was immeasurable. This would be worse and it would be timed to serve as an excuse for a number of things the government could do. New security laws, heightened surveillance, suppression of rights, marshal law, the list is endless. If the globalists and their allies in our government, media, and big tech think they are losing their plan, they might well be forced to do something drastic to regain control. Before COVID was a thing, remember the meetings and conferences that were held about a pandemic? Next thing we know, we had a pandemic. Now we’re having radiation “drills” with government agencies. It seems just a little too coincidental to me.
if the ‘event’ happens, and if you survive, and if you are close to any of the ‘globalist elites’ that have wrought this upon humanity, do the world a favor please and don’t hesitate.