Gavin Newsom Panning Reparations Is Another Sign He’s Running for President
For several months, California Governor Gavin Newsom has been rumored as either a possible replacement for Kamala Harris as Joe ...
For several months, California Governor Gavin Newsom has been rumored as either a possible replacement for Kamala Harris as Joe ...
In a move that must not be taking lightly, Kamala Harris told an international audience that the United States has ...
The firestorm that has engulfed fashion company Balenciaga following their sick child-BDSM ad campaign has drawn blowback for a lot ...
It did not take long for most Democrats, Independents, and Never-Trump Republicans to realize they'd made a terrible mistake by ...
Nothing tells America to never take the Biden-Harris regime seriously better than Kamala Harris ranting about school buses. First, she ...
One of two things is going to happen. Either leftists are going to acknowledge there's a massive illegal alien problem ...
Ever since the Biden-Harris regime was installed into the White House, corporate media and their puppet-masters in the regime's propaganda ...
Ask a Democrat what color the sky is and they'll answer, "Republicans are racist!!!" Kamala Harris is arguably the worst ...
If you ask conservative pundits, politicians, or even average American citizens what they think of the Biden-Harris regime, they'll tell ...
Before we had the Liar-in-Chief and his worthless sidekick forced upon us, we had someone in the Oval Office who ...
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