As Conservatives Shift From Opposing McCarthy to Holding His Feet to the Fire, Here are Five Promises He Needs to Keep
For America First patriots who opposed Kevin McCarthy's ascension to Speaker of the House, Friday night was a loss. But ...
For America First patriots who opposed Kevin McCarthy's ascension to Speaker of the House, Friday night was a loss. But ...
With a razor-thin majority in the upcoming Congress, the Republican Party will pick the next Speaker of the House. Unfortunately ...
President Donald Trump has massive sway among Republican voters. Unfortunately, his sway within Republican leadership has fallen since the 2020 ...
Ronna Romney McDaniel must be removed as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Some say she should be voted out ...
RINOs will do as RINOs will do. Chris Christie is one of the chief doers of RINO Uniparty Swamp's will, ...
There are at least a dozen examples of the how the Uniparty Swamp rules Capitol Hill that are already popping ...
With several House elections still being counted nearly a week after election day, it's not certain that Republicans will gain ...
There was a time not too long ago when I thought the "depopulation agenda" promoted by many "conspiracy theorists" was ...
A Republican has not won a U.S. Senate race in the state of Washington since the 20th century. But if ...
Up and down the line of current and former RINOs who continue to be Never-Trumpers, there is a trend. The ...
© 2025 JD Rucker - Ephesians 6:12